Sunday, August 10, 2008

VW (Ref Col #1) 24"x30"

I was driving down the road in the company car. I was stuck in traffic. I looked over at the Tractor Trailer next to me. I caught a glimpse of my car in the hub cap and snapped a picture of it. I thought is was so cool. But what wasn't cool was that it was a Ford 500 (not that there is anything wrong with Fords). I called my friend Jeff who owns several Bugs. He agreed to try to capture a cool picture for me. I think he did a great job. This image is of his Bug in the hub cap on his wife's Bug. It was so much fun to paint and I still love to look at it because of it's twists and turns. Ref Col #1 refers to my desire to do many more interesting reflection paintings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Danny, I knew you were good, but this is amazing. I love all your work, but the VW painting is my favorite. It looks so real! I can't wait to see more!